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Brownstone in the City

SV Design, Brownstone in the City, Boston


Timeless brownstone properties have seen many eras, 用各种各样的美学来反映历史的挂毯. 一栋五层褐砂石建筑被重新改造,以提升其内部和屋顶露台.

Led by SV Design, 装修的灵感来自前任业主的大量艺术品收藏, lavish parties, and stylish design elements. 住宅的装饰艺术风格被带入了焕然一新的设计中, 黄铜口音和丰富的材料致敬独特的风格. Accentuated by feminine wallpaper, new complementary fixtures were installed, and original cast lighting was repurposed.

Lindsay Goode, interiors associate at SV Design in Chatham, 注意到该项目的主要亮点之一是厨房的重新设计, 哪一个傲然坐落在五楼,就在屋顶露台下面. With the formal dining room on the first floor, 当时的想法是打造一个多功能的烹饪区, dining, 还有社交活动,可以充分利用家里令人难以置信的美景.

SV Design, Brownstone in the City, Boston, Kitchen

(Photography: Michael J. Lee)

古德解释说:“厨房空间狭小,颇具挑战性. “我们想给它一个重大升级,创造一个更多功能的流程.” To optimize its square footage, 复古风格的宴会提供了一个舒适的用餐角落, 毗邻新设计的烘焙区和厨房岛. 深蓝色的下橱柜和原始的白色表面搭配清晰的垂坠照明完成外观.

Just above the kitchen level, a rooftop terrace provides additional entertaining, dining, and living space. 露台是开胃菜或早晨咖啡的完美场所, 扩建的凉棚和新安装的景观 Potted UP

SV Design, Brownstone in the City, Boston, Kitchen

(Photography: Michael J. Lee)

Also on the fifth floor is a family room and wet bar. 古德说:“客户经常招待客人,所以我们把酒吧开到了家庭娱乐室。. “最初,它是完全封闭的,只能从走廊进入.精致的湿酒吧与黄铜架子形成了一种黑暗而忧郁的基调, black wallpaper, and stunning lemurian blue granite countertop. 地理位置便利,它作为一个时尚的传递娱乐.

SV Design, Brownstone in the City, Boston, wet bar

(Photography: Michael J. Lee)

In the family room, 架子和橱柜以优雅的嵌入格栅门为特色,容纳了客户20世纪80年代的唱机和收藏品. On the second floor, adjacent to the home office, another refined wet bar awaits, 拥有黄铜镶嵌细节和丰富的胡桃木台面.

SV Design, Brownstone in the City, Boston, wet bar

(Photography: Michael J. Lee)

隔壁的化妆室装饰着引人注目的墙纸, a bespoke vanity, and luxurious brass accents.


(Photography: Michael J. Lee)

In the primary bedroom suite, which spans the entire fourth floor, 更衣室和浴室进行了更新,以拥抱现代装饰艺术的感觉, with glass lighting and brass fixtures. “最初,浴室被分成两个部分,”古德说. “我们真的打开了它,创造了一个连续的区域,墙壁和地板都是大理石和瓷砖.”

SV Design, Brownstone in City, Boston, Primary Bath

(Photography: Michael J. Lee)

Anchored by dolomite stone walls and flooring, it now accommodates a large shower, double sink, and soaking tub. Serene blue tones reflect the client’s personal style, 一个引人注目的背光玛瑙板墙件既是艺术又是照明. 由于没有窗户,浴室的设计也让人感觉更明亮. “因为它没有自然光,所以我们保持调色板的颜色非常浅,”古德说.


(Photography: Michael J. Lee)

那间步入式的更衣室被重新装修了,装上了嵌壁式抽屉, ample storage, and locally-designed mirrors. Inspired by the previous owner’s cast glass sconces, 新的壁灯和吊灯提供了艺术装饰的细微差别.


(Photography: Michael J. Lee)

虽然它的生活空间被改造以适应客户挑剔的品味, 原始褐砂石的一些元素被保留下来,以彰显其历史魅力. Original hardwood flooring, wood-burning fireplaces, 五层楼高的楼梯体现了褐砂石建筑永恒的魅力. 

SV Design, Brownstone in the City, Boston, Staircase(Photography: Michael J. Lee)SV Design, Brownstone in the City, Boston, Fireplace

(Interior Design: SV Design, Builder: F.H. 佩里,屋顶景观:盆栽,摄影:迈克尔J. Lee)


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